winter words

  1. 4. in the wintor my mom says i am ________ a loud to wear shorts
  2. 5. in the winter some pepole get ----- becuse they are cold
  3. 8. in the winter it is so cold i like to heat up some_________ and eat it with my appels
  4. 9. we like to decreate are _______ wagen so we can put hotcoco in it
  1. 1. i ______ christmas
  2. 2. at christmas i get below ten presents but above five how many presents did i get
  3. 3. the day befor _______ i always vist my grama in calafornia
  4. 6. in the winter i like to be _______
  5. 7. i am always ________ to get hotcoco
  6. 8. my dad is a pilot in the winter