Winter Words

  1. 5. Children open 8 _____ during Hanukkah.
  2. 6. People enjoy celebrating with ____ and friends.
  3. 10. People decorate their trees with _____.
  4. 12. You need skis and poles to go ____.
  5. 13. White, frozen precipitation.
  6. 14. Many do this down a hill.
  7. 16. ____ on the shelf
  8. 17. Songs sung door to door.
  9. 19. ____ cocoa
  10. 20. When the temperatures drop, many feel _____.
  11. 21. The name of the main character in Elf.
  1. 1. Bundle up with hats, scarves and _____.
  2. 2. A synonym for presents.
  3. 3. A holiday celebrated on December 25th.
  4. 4. The coldest season of the year.
  5. 7. Many put these on their roof and windows.
  6. 8. Many decorate with evergreen ______.
  7. 9. Some buy gifts for _____ and family members.
  8. 11. Many have a favorite holiday ____ to watch.
  9. 15. Who is married to Mrs. Claus?
  10. 18. Someone who slides down a hill on a snowboard.