Winter Workshop

  1. 3. Santa has to be ____ when entering peoples houses.
  2. 7. Forgetting to turn your homework in is ____ and it wont get you onto the naughty list.
  3. 8. If a kid doesn't get what they want on Christmas they are _____.
  4. 9. When kids get on the nice list, it is an ____ for them.
  5. 10. Most kids are ____ about what there Christmas Presents are.
  1. 1. Santa is ____.
  2. 2. Parents have to ____ what there kids want for Christmas through a Christmas list.
  3. 4. If someone was ____ they are on Santa's nice list.
  4. 5. Kids on the Naughty list are ____.
  5. 6. Its ____ how Santa is able to get to everyone's homes on Christmas Eve night.