
  1. 2. Winter and Jacin are in ____
  2. 5. Aimery gets shot in the _____
  3. 7. The name of the stolen cargo ship where the characters hide in the beginning
  4. 9. Winter has these on her face
  5. 10. This story is an example of _______
  6. 14. Kai has Cinder's ____ in his office
  7. 15. Cinder is _____ for standing up to Levana
  8. 17. Cinders real name
  9. 18. Levana's _______ does not work in mirrors and cameras
  10. 19. Levana gives Kai Cinder's ______
  1. 1. Cinder and her allies plan to _________ Levana
  2. 3. Cinder "kidnaps" him
  3. 4. Wolf's mom who dies
  4. 6. The author
  5. 8. Wolf _______ when he does not have Scarlet
  6. 11. Winter is this, due to not using her powers
  7. 12. Kai's advisor
  8. 13. Cinder must become _____
  9. 16. The rest of the story takes place here
  10. 20. Jacin kills ___ to save Winter