
  1. 2. White, falls from the sky
  2. 3. What we have when we are nauseous and have a temperature
  3. 4. How we feel in a new situation
  4. 6. How we feel when the car doesn't start on a cold day
  5. 9. Frozen water, solid
  6. 10. How we feel when we see a big dog
  7. 12. What we have when our head hurts
  8. 14. How we feel when we have a cold
  9. 15. How we feel when a friend has a problem
  1. 1. Shines during the day
  2. 2. What we have when our stomach hurts
  3. 5. How children feel before Reyes
  4. 7. Blows
  5. 8. How we feel when we don't sleep much
  6. 11. What we spread when we sneeze
  7. 13. Cold that runs up and down our body