
  1. 3. a winter activity that involves a tube
  2. 4. largest city
  3. 8. water heaven
  4. 11. wildlife animal
  5. 15. cold and white
  6. 18. where packers play
  7. 20. ice and fly are ways to describe his activity
  8. 21. state animal
  9. 22. a winter activity that involves chair lifts
  10. 23. insect
  1. 1. a cold time
  2. 2. started in hayward
  3. 5. capital
  4. 6. people go sightseeing to see trees during this time
  5. 7. a country concert that happens every june
  6. 8. starting in 2012 we can now hunt them
  7. 9. trails are groomed for this
  8. 10. parades, fairs, and musical festivals hppen at this time of ear
  9. 12. state bird
  10. 13. a huge retail store that started in eau claire
  11. 14. domestic animal
  12. 15. when things are starting to grow
  13. 16. people use dogs to hunt these
  14. 17. one of the most popular sports
  15. 19. a rock concert that happens every july