Wit Brew

  1. 4. My number is [59 83 51 40 84]<- in big endian
  2. 6. What does the cow drink?
  3. 9. minimum number of steps to solve 4*4 egg restore problem(CodeKarNa)
  4. 10. Danlaw founding member
  5. 13. The Queen who never let us go hungry.
  6. 15. Product from danlaw
  1. 1. Our sister company
  2. 2. He was humble, he was fool. Topcoders from the world honoured him with 625th room. What is his first name?
  3. 3. Protects us and known by courage.
  4. 5. Identify famous indian brand from figure(Check mail/figure-2). It is also mentioned in a hindi song from a Salman Khan movie.
  5. 7. y = 1/x, x^2 + y^2 = 9, y = |-2x|, x = -3|sin y|
  6. 8. Ad by which corporation? (logo in picture) figure(Check mail/figure-1)
  7. 11. If 'QHZV' can decode a 'NEWS', decode 'GDQODZ'
  8. 12. Two are there, one is 'senior' but other one is not 'junior', he is 'chottu'.
  9. 14. find out the magical letter. figure(Check mail/figure-3) --> 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, 34/21, 55/34, 89/55,.....