- 4. My number is [59 83 51 40 84]<- in big endian
- 6. What does the cow drink?
- 9. minimum number of steps to solve 4*4 egg restore problem(CodeKarNa)
- 10. Danlaw founding member
- 13. The Queen who never let us go hungry.
- 15. Product from danlaw
- 1. Our sister company
- 2. He was humble, he was fool. Topcoders from the world honoured him with 625th room. What is his first name?
- 3. Protects us and known by courage.
- 5. Identify famous indian brand from figure(Check mail/figure-2). It is also mentioned in a hindi song from a Salman Khan movie.
- 7. y = 1/x, x^2 + y^2 = 9, y = |-2x|, x = -3|sin y|
- 8. Ad by which corporation? (logo in picture) figure(Check mail/figure-1)
- 11. If 'QHZV' can decode a 'NEWS', decode 'GDQODZ'
- 12. Two are there, one is 'senior' but other one is not 'junior', he is 'chottu'.
- 14. find out the magical letter. figure(Check mail/figure-3) --> 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, 34/21, 55/34, 89/55,.....