Without You, There Is No Us

  1. 3. what did North Korea shut down in response to COVID?
  2. 6. what North Koreans call their nation
  3. 7. To cause a person or place to remain apart from others
  4. 8. the capital of North Korea
  5. 9. the school the story is located in (abr.)
  6. 10. the official name of North Korea (abr.)
  1. 1. the North Korean philosophy of “self-reliance”
  2. 2. the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint
  3. 4. the North Korean version of the Internet
  4. 5. what is Pyongyang described as?
  5. 6. the suppression of any media that is considered politically unacceptable