  1. 3. First date (Restaurant)
  2. 5. Age gap (years)
  3. 9. Our Hogwarts house
  4. 11. Maid of Honour
  5. 13. Favourite movie
  6. 14. Music genre we both like
  7. 16. Honeymoon destination (2 words)
  8. 17. Wedding hastag
  9. 18. Country our cat was born
  10. 19. First trip together (city)
  1. 1. Dating app we matched on (initials)
  2. 2. Venue we got married at
  3. 4. First concert together (2 words)
  4. 6. Month we got engaged
  5. 7. Month we met
  6. 8. World Wonder we visited together (2 words)
  7. 9. Town we live in
  8. 10. Name of our cat
  9. 12. Best Man
  10. 15. Country we joke of moving to