
  1. 4. The collection of the Southern States the left the Union
  2. 6. a system used in the United States for electing the President and Vice President.
  3. 8. Amendments are proposed by _____/thirds of the vote of both houses
  4. 9. One goal of Reconstruction was the ________of the northern and southern states.
  5. 11. one goal of Reconstruction
  6. 12. total number of Amendments
  7. 15. _______ Amendment mandates that electors designate their choice for president and vice president separately.
  8. 16. one goal of Reconstruction
  1. 1. _______ Amendment prohibits federal courts from hearing cases in which a state is sued by an individual from another state or another country
  2. 2. Amendments are passed with a _____ quarters of the vote from both houses
  3. 3. The process in which a proposed amendment ispassed and added to the constitution
  4. 5. a period in American history following the Civil War that aimed to rebuild the nation, particularly the South, and address the social, economic, and political aftermath of the war.
  5. 7. Freeing of the American Slaves
  6. 10. An add-on to the Consitution
  7. 13. one major cause of the Civil War
  8. 14. a major armed conflict in the United States fought between 1861 and 1865,between the Northern and Southern states.