  1. 1. In Ms. Bass' class, we should only use this to listen to music.
  2. 2. Ms Hall's class
  3. 4. Where students can hang their coats.
  4. 5. Number of student desks in Rm 115
  5. 10. Cartoons are a kind of _______ film.
  6. 13. Who was stranded on a Pacific island during a 3 hour cruise?
  7. 15. In what Disney movie do 2 Siamese cats sing a song?
  8. 17. When we have a big storm, they ______ school.
  9. 18. Harry Potter's school.
  10. 21. What students hate to take home.
  11. 22. What you are if you get to school late.
  12. 23. Snow White knew ____ dwarfs.
  1. 1. Complete this phrase: "Practice makes _____"
  2. 2. Vietnam is on which continent?
  3. 3. Storm with a lot of snow.
  4. 6. Bees can now be considered an ______ species.
  5. 7. Has an office next to Mr. Bagley.
  6. 8. Where you would find Ms. Kovaliv
  7. 9. Official language of China.
  8. 11. Teacher with tools.
  9. 12. What the middle school students leave in Rm 115.
  10. 14. What you hope to get at the end of Senior year.
  11. 16. Boston's diamond team.
  12. 19. TV channel that shows our school closings due to snow.
  13. 20. Computer site where students often watch videos.