WMS September Newsletter

  1. 6. Mrs. Beck's dog's name is ________.
  2. 7. WEB groups played games like keeping a ______ in the air using only their pinky finger.
  3. 9. The staff member who ran a 50K this summer (Last Name Only)
  4. 11. Wilson will be showing the documentary ________ for students and their families on September 27th.
  5. 12. Wilson's therapy dog
  6. 13. This staff member was in the Air Force for 2 years as a crew chief. (Last Name Only)
  1. 1. Fifty-three percent of kids feel _______ to their mobile devices
  2. 2. Ms. Gustafson is fostering what type of dog
  3. 3. Go see Mrs.__________ if you're interested in helping with our school newsletters.
  4. 4. Student _________ is looking for members to sign up from all grades!
  5. 5. Ms. Gustafson teaches __________ technology.
  6. 8. The staff member who is riding his bike every day until it is freezing. (Last Name Only)
  7. 10. The staff member who loves Disney (Last Name Only)