  1. 3. Some people faint in its view
  2. 9. Used for the first "dip-and-read" test
  3. 10. One of Lawrence's three-fold approach
  4. 12. These compounds increase blood glucose levels
  5. 13. Pancreatic cells
  6. 14. Serious condition resulting from consistently high blood glucose levels
  7. 15. Used to determine the insulin structure
  8. 16. Affected by insulin
  9. 20. A type of diabetes
  10. 22. Won the Nobel Prize for the development of RIA technique
  11. 23. This dog survived 70 days without pancreas
  12. 24. He developed the first hospital blood glucose monitoring system
  13. 25. Nominated for the Nobel Prize six times
  1. 1. Its concentration can be measured in urine and blood
  2. 2. Results from low blood glucose levels
  3. 4. Produced for the first time in 1922
  4. 5. Poor control of diabetes may result in this condition
  5. 6. She won a Nobel Prize after the development protein crystallography
  6. 7. Produces Beta cells
  7. 8. Evolution of Navigator
  8. 11. 9% of women work in this STEM discipline
  9. 17. Another type of diabetes
  10. 18. Frederick Allen devised this diet
  11. 19. Word formed from the initials of the researchers
  12. 21. Produced her own glucose during World War II
  13. 26. This group of people is more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes