Wonder CW

  1. 1. Of Music What movie do the 5th grader's watch at camp?
  2. 4. Who did Jack punch in the jaw?
  3. 5. Which Star Wars character did August think he looked like when he put on his hearing aids?
  4. 7. August originally thought Justin came from this state.
  5. 11. People avoided August because of this.
  6. 14. Town What is the play that is playing at Via's school?
  7. 16. Who is August's best childhood friend?
  8. 18. What was the name people at Via's school commonly called her?
  9. 19. scream This is what August wore for Halloween.
  1. 2. What is the name of Via's dog?
  2. 3. Ward Beecher August wins this award at his graduation ceremony.
  3. 4. What is the name of Via's boyfriend?
  4. 6. Where was August educated before going to Beecher Prep?
  5. 8. What kind of a school was Beecher Prep?
  6. 9. Who does August sit with at lunch everyday?
  7. 10. Who is the main character of the story?
  8. 12. How many days was the 5th grade's retreat/
  9. 13. What is August's nature like?
  10. 15. beans What is Summer's favourite two-word phrase?
  11. 17. Who is August's sister?