- 1. Of Music What movie do the 5th grader's watch at camp?
- 4. Who did Jack punch in the jaw?
- 5. Which Star Wars character did August think he looked like when he put on his hearing aids?
- 7. August originally thought Justin came from this state.
- 11. People avoided August because of this.
- 14. Town What is the play that is playing at Via's school?
- 16. Who is August's best childhood friend?
- 18. What was the name people at Via's school commonly called her?
- 19. scream This is what August wore for Halloween.
- 2. What is the name of Via's dog?
- 3. Ward Beecher August wins this award at his graduation ceremony.
- 4. What is the name of Via's boyfriend?
- 6. Where was August educated before going to Beecher Prep?
- 8. What kind of a school was Beecher Prep?
- 9. Who does August sit with at lunch everyday?
- 10. Who is the main character of the story?
- 12. How many days was the 5th grade's retreat/
- 13. What is August's nature like?
- 15. beans What is Summer's favourite two-word phrase?
- 17. Who is August's sister?