Wonder Review by R.J. Palacio

  1. 3. This boy fights with Amos and Miles to defend Jack and August
  2. 5. Julian's mother's name
  3. 9. Mr. Tushman's assistant
  4. 11. Director of Beecher Prep Middle School
  5. 13. This is what those closest to August call him
  6. 15. This is the character August likes best fro Star Wars
  7. 17. A clever girl who becomes Via's new friend in high school
  8. 18. August's new best friend; they meet at school
  9. 19. Via's friend from middle school who dyes her hair pink and who was always kind to August
  10. 20. nickname given by Julian to August
  11. 22. English teacher who gives students a new precept each month
  12. 26. Drama teacher in Via's school
  13. 27. Via's High School
  14. 29. Slimy creature from Lord of the Rings. Eddie calls August this
  15. 30. Via's real name
  16. 31. A Jedi apprentice from Star Wars
  17. 32. Miranda's nickname for August
  18. 33. Costume worn by August to school on Halloween
  19. 35. Science teacher who accompanies the class on their camping trip
  20. 37. This popular girl invites Summer to her Halloween party
  21. 39. Game kids play-anyone who touched August had 30 seconds to wash before he or she catches it
  22. 41. Character in Star Wars whose face gets deformed when it is burned by Sith Lightning
  23. 42. This boy takes every opportunity to hurt and humiliate August
  24. 44. Character from The Empire Strikes Back who has bionic radio-transmitters wrapped around his head
  25. 45. August's Mom
  26. 46. August's dog
  1. 1. August's best friend who has moved to Bridgeport,Connecticut
  2. 2. A friend of Via's from middle school who is less friendly in high school
  3. 4. Two boys in the fifth grade with the same first name
  4. 6. Olivia's boyfriend who is interested in music; plays the fiddle
  5. 7. August's new puppy
  6. 8. This athletic boy fights a bully from another school, when August and Jack are threatened
  7. 10. Girl who joins August for lunch on his first day at school
  8. 12. August's Dad
  9. 14. She won the gold medal for overall academic excellence in the fifth grade
  10. 16. Disfigured serial killer from Nightmare on Elm Street movies- Eddie taunts August by calling him this
  11. 21. This girl is one of three students asked to show August around the school before term begins
  12. 22. Dance teacher at Beecher Prep
  13. 23. August's first school
  14. 24. Bully encountered on the camping trip who attacks Jack and August and destroys August's hearing aid
  15. 25. The best holiday in the world for August
  16. 28. August's sister
  17. 34. Although initially an ally of Julian's, this boy helps Amos defend August
  18. 36. Miranda's boyfriend
  19. 38. Boy with severe facial deformities, who goes to school for the first time
  20. 40. Homeroom teacher who formerly had a job on Wall Street
  21. 43. Jack's little brother