- 3. Mom said that August is a _________ at the end.
- 5. August's nickname.
- 7. Mum modified the ______ Fett costume to look like his son's.
- 8. Earlier in the book August had a ________ braid.
- 9. Jack's least favorite class.
- 12. Olivia's nickname.
- 16. Olavia's favourite movie was The ______ Of Music..
- 18. Mr Browne has monthly ________s.
- 21. Halloween costumes must be __________ correct.
- 22. August's true friend at the end.
- 23. Jack's word to describe August's face (135)
- 27. During the camp, they went to a _______ Reserve.
- 28. The writer instilled an _______ feeling by writing everything that happened during the chase in detail.
- 29. The book had a ________ ending.
- 30. August's self portrait as an animal was a ________.
- 1. Olavia's first best friend
- 2. Justin's Spring show is called Our _____.
- 4. R.J.Palacio wrote the book in multiple _______.
- 6. Grandmother liked ________ more than August.
- 7. Olavia's boyfriend
- 8. Absolutely scared(4)
- 10. August's scale of pain was _________.
- 11. Justin is into _________ music.
- 13. August's first thing in mind when asked about Halloween was to dress as ________ Fett.
- 14. August won the Henry Ward _________ award.
- 15. August was obsessed with _______ Wars.
- 17. The name of the next dog they got..
- 19. Mr Browne's October Precept was "Your deeds are your _________
- 20. August came in the _________ Scream costume for Halloween
- 24. Both August and Olavia got a Standing __________.
- 25. The family dog before it died because of a lump in it's stomach.
- 26. Julian called August a _______ and Jack punched him for that.