Wonderful Winter

  1. 3. you might build one of these outside after it snows!
  2. 4. these make it easier to walk on deep, powdery snow
  3. 7. this is what we call it when it snows REALLY hard!
  4. 10. you might wrap this around your neck when it's chilly out!
  5. 11. you wear these on your hands when it's cold out
  6. 12. you wear this on your head on cold days
  7. 13. every single one of these is unique!
  1. 1. you cut a big hole on a frozen lake and dangle a line in the water to do this!
  2. 2. we wear these to keep our feet warm in winter
  3. 3. you might ride on one of these going down a big hill!
  4. 5. you might wear these on your head to keep your ears warm
  5. 6. this is what forms on the ground when the temperature drops
  6. 8. you might put on special shoes with blades to do this slippery winter activity
  7. 9. you wear two of these on your feet and slide down big snow-covered hills