Wondrous Winter Season Crossword Puzzle! Suggested Grades: 3-5.

  1. 1. A sport that people do on snowy mountains is called?
  2. 3. You can ____ on ice!
  3. 5. How many months does winter last?
  4. 7. What are frozen raindrops called?
  5. 8. ______ trees stay green all winter long.
  6. 11. What is used to melt the snow on roads?
  7. 12. What is a piece of winter clothing that you wrap around your neck?
  8. 14. A man you can build with snow is called?
  9. 16. A fun sport where you ride down a hill is called?
  1. 2. These can form on trees in the winter.
  2. 3. What falls from the sky in the winter?
  3. 4. What month does winter start?
  4. 6. Some animals go into a deep sleep called _____ during the winter season.
  5. 9. We put _____ on our hands during winter to keep warm.
  6. 10. A ___ year starts in the winter season.
  7. 11. A ball made of snow is called?
  8. 13. Winter has the _____ temperatures of the year.
  9. 15. What is the name of a winter storm with high winds?