Wood Work Assesmant

  1. 3. to take caution
  2. 4. plastic is an example of this
  3. 6. a part required for the final product
  4. 8. to protect cloths and not get dirty
  5. 9. personal protective equipment (initials)
  6. 10. to assess the quality of products
  7. 13. comes in different sizes and numbers
  8. 15. A set of instructions followed to build something
  9. 16. the act of polishing or cleaning a hard surface
  10. 17. use in a conduction or electricity
  11. 18. to protect you eyes
  12. 19. a path for electric current
  1. 1. negative and positive
  2. 2. High-density polyethylene(initials)
  3. 5. A strip heater is used for this purpose
  4. 7. a unit used for electric resistance
  5. 9. a test for something to improve
  6. 11. techniques to try to improve
  7. 12. Two or more monomers added together
  8. 14. A pointed tool used for marking lines, as on wood, metal, or ceramic