Woodland Wonders

  1. 3. - Nocturnal birds of prey known for their silent flight and haunting calls in woodland areas
  2. 5. - Bird with a specially adapted beak for drumming on trees to find insects and establish territories
  3. 7. - Small mammal with a bushy tail often found scampering among trees in wooded areas
  4. 13. - Reproductive structure of conifer trees, found scattered on the forest floor in wooded areas
  5. 15. - Narrow body of flowing water winding through wooded landscapes, providing habitat for various species
  6. 17. - Small body of water nestled among trees in wooded areas, providing habitat for aquatic life
  7. 19. - Kingdom of organisms including mushrooms, molds, and yeasts, often found thriving in woodland environments
  1. 1. - Green, carpet-like plant that grows on trees, rocks, and damp ground in wooded environments
  2. 2. - Spring-flowering bulbous plants with bell-shaped blue flowers often carpeting woodland floors
  3. 4. - Tall flowering plant with bell-shaped blossoms found in woodland clearings and edges
  4. 6. - Path or route through wooded areas, offering opportunities for recreation and exploration
  5. 8. - Small, striped rodent often seen darting among fallen leaves and tree roots in wooded habitats
  6. 9. - Upper layer of trees forming a continuous cover over a wooded area, creating a shaded environment below
  7. 10. - Non-flowering plants with feathery leaves found in woodland areas, often in damp and shaded areas
  8. 11. - Thick layer of fallen leaves, needles, and debris covering the forest floor
  9. 12. - Fungi with a cap and stem, often found in woodland areas and sometimes poisonous
  10. 14. - Ecosystem characterized by a dense growth of trees and understory vegetation, providing homes for diverse flora and fauna
  11. 16. - Towering trees found in California and Oregon, among the tallest and oldest living organisms on Earth
  12. 18. - Grazing mammals often found in woodland areas, known for their graceful movements and antlers in males
  13. 19. - Bioluminescent insects known for their dazzling displays in wooded areas during summer evenings