- 2. flutes have __ which creates different pitches when you cover them
- 4. every woodwind instrument has a __
- 6. the__ makes a sound by blowing into one reed
- 8. saxophones are __ brought to the orchestra
- 10. the flute players are usually at the __ side of the orchestra
- 11. saxophones are __ to the clarinets
- 14. bassoons play a __ sound
- 15. the__ also makes a sound by blowing into 2 reeds
- 16. the orchestra __ to the oboe
- 17. woodwind instruments used to be made of __
- 18. the __ makes it's sound by blowing across a mouthpiece
- 1. the __ family are part of the orchestra
- 3. woodwind instruments are usually used blowing to create a sound.
- 5. woodwind instruments can create a fine __
- 7. the bassoon players are usually at the __ side of the orchestra
- 9. an example of an instrument that is related to woodwind instruments are cor __
- 11. __ are also part of the woodwind family
- 12. the __ is a thin piece of wood attached to a few woodwind instruments that vibrates, creating a sound
- 13. the __ makes a sound by blowing through 2 reeds
- 19. flutes play a __ sound