Wooz's Birthday Spectatular

  1. 2. How many tattoos does Jack have?
  2. 7. A lawyer's best ability is their ability to
  3. 10. In the very famous photo of us three kids, I am wearing an SAFM T-shirt, wig and balloons for boobs, Sophie is wearing her underwear and a very frowning face... what was Jack wearing?
  4. 11. What sport did Jack and I get massively into when we went to NZ?
  5. 12. how many catches did Jack drop in a row
  6. 14. What type of fish did Jack catch with his bare hands on holiday in WA?
  7. 16. Which UK soccer team did Jack used to support?
  1. 1. Jack's favourite flavour of Quik
  2. 2. The first two words of Jack's awful first email address
  3. 3. Type of juice I threw at Jack in an argument infront of a shocked Donna at Westall Street in the early 2000s
  4. 4. What did Jack have written across his stomach as a faux tattoo at his infamous Aus Day Part in 2012?
  5. 5. What brand of car did Jack have for his first car?
  6. 6. What was the three of Jack's 21st?
  7. 8. The first name of the person who Jack threw a cricket bat at when this person called him out in a game of backyard cricket, over 25 years ago?
  8. 9. Which TV show did Jack give my DVDs away of without asking, resulting in a S Wellington hissyfit
  9. 13. Charlie's mum's name of Two and a Half Men
  10. 15. The surname of his favourite player from that team?