- 3. a pig giving birth
- 8. a baby male cattle
- 9. catrated male goat
- 11. a baby female cow
- 14. fertility time
- 17. castrated male cattle
- 18. baby sheep
- 20. looks like a sheep
- 21. goat with curved horns
- 22. baby female sheep
- 25. baby goat
- 1. baby cattle
- 2. female cattle
- 4. a virgin female pig
- 5. a pig that has given birth
- 6. looks like a pig
- 7. a ovine with curly horns
- 8. male cattle
- 10. male pig castrated before puberty
- 12. cattle giving birth
- 13. a hairy porcine
- 15. a female sheep older than one
- 16. baby ram
- 19. science cattle name
- 23. sheep birthing process
- 24. male goat