Words about Night Time

  1. 3. not nighttime
  2. 5. when the world is grey
  3. 7. sleepy
  4. 11. a.m.
  5. 12. dinner
  6. 13. the time before night
  7. 15. the opposite of light
  8. 18. to open your mouth when you are tired
  9. 20. not dark
  10. 22. the opposite of sunrise
  11. 23. the opposite of nightfall
  12. 24. not the sun but in the sky
  1. 1. the home of the stars and moon
  2. 2. not tired
  3. 4. when the moon appears
  4. 6. not energized
  5. 8. wanting to sleep
  6. 9. 12 p.m.
  7. 10. 12 a.m.
  8. 14. not awake
  9. 16. p.m.
  10. 17. the opposite of dusk
  11. 19. when the sun sets
  12. 21. when the sun rises