Word of the Week

  1. 1. A cluster of leaves, flowers and branches
  2. 4. Continuing to sound as in an echo
  3. 6. a set of words with definitions
  4. 7. Absurd; silly or foolish
  5. 9. Falling off or shed seasonally
  6. 11. Eagerness; enthusiasm
  7. 14. To deceive by flattery; coax
  8. 15. To stimulate or excite by electric shock
  9. 16. Friendly, generous or helpful
  10. 18. An unpleasant mixture of sounds
  1. 1. Straightforward; direct; no hesitation
  2. 2. Containing more words than necessary
  3. 3. A wreath of flowers and leaves worn on the head
  4. 5. Animal who eats all things
  5. 8. Perceptible by touch
  6. 10. Praise enthusiastically
  7. 12. Hurtful; mean
  8. 13. Friendly, kind, and cheerful
  9. 15. Circumference; measurement around
  10. 17. Time when the sun crosses the celestial equator