Word Study Test #9

  1. 2. a master builder
  2. 5. relate events in time sequence
  3. 7. do at the same time
  4. 8. between, among, amid
  5. 10. art, skill (Greek root word)
  6. 11. device to measure time
  7. 13. light entertainment in the midst of serious activities; a "break"
  8. 15. study of how to do things
  9. 17. equipment of war
  10. 21. a statement placed beside (or Within) the main sentence
  11. 24. discussion or action between or among people
  12. 26. to throw a story in for comparison while teaching a lesson or moral
  13. 28. between or among nations
  14. 29. time
  1. 1. art or science of building
  2. 3. over a period of time; "from time to time"
  3. 4. throw between
  4. 6. come between
  5. 9. lying along side of another line but not touching
  6. 12. an editing mark beside a page of print to show needed indentation
  7. 14. made by man; not occurring naturally
  8. 16. device to measure and record time
  9. 18. one who acts or creates with skill
  10. 19. art, skill (Latin Root Word)
  11. 20. one who is skilled in details of an art or subject
  12. 21. beside, along with
  13. 22. goes along with you as you fall and slows you down
  14. 23. display or application of skill
  15. 25. expert skill in accomplishing something
  16. 27. without skill, natural, simple and sincere