Word Wall Test

  1. 3. others the weather
  2. 4. askjdbc rc
  3. 6. sdcnbslvbs
  4. 7. scaru peopeple
  5. 9. things when people care about things
  6. 10. serious people kjvbsjvbd
  7. 11. the maikngsjd
  8. 13. negatycvie
  9. 15. selling to mother country
  10. 18. the numenr sobcsob
  11. 19. the planets
  1. 1. being sensible
  2. 2. w;ado
  3. 5. akjdbfoefin
  4. 8. the people
  5. 10. acts what the people of the north are
  6. 12. the elecrtonics
  7. 14. the answer
  8. 16. live htings
  9. 17. event the way people did things