Word Work #1

  1. 2. His _______ was so loud and boisterous!
  2. 5. She was very _______ to the other girls when she made fun of them.
  3. 6. I am sick with a cold. I have a ________.
  4. 10. The _______ helped the new worker because he was experienced.
  5. 11. Because she was new, she was considered a _________.
  6. 14. Do not _________ on your homework.
  7. 17. The ____ was in the circle.
  8. 18. The pirates _________ the island.
  9. 22. The lions steadily ______ through the grass.
  10. 24. We heard the _____ of King Arthur.
  11. 25. They _______ at the funny clown.
  12. 26. The girls _________ slowly through the meadow.
  13. 31. We are going to ____ on a journey.
  14. 32. Please do not ____ down the hallway.
  15. 33. John and I _____ when our dog runs away.
  1. 1. The ocean was large, wide, and ______.
  2. 3. She was very shy and _____.
  3. 4. Sherlock Holmes was a _______.
  4. 5. _____! Stop that right now!
  5. 7. The cats __________ at the moon.
  6. 8. Louis ________the page when he was done reading to hold his place.
  7. 9. The dog has a wide ____. He is very large.
  8. 12. Please do not ________ the crayons. We all have to share.
  9. 13. The ant was so tiny. It was _________.
  10. 15. The painter taught his _______ how to paint.
  11. 16. The class created _____ when the teacher announced no homework.
  12. 19. The butterflies _____ from flower to flower.
  13. 20. She was _____ when it came to her opinions. She was very stubborn.
  14. 21. The kittens ______ when they are taken from their mother.
  15. 23. The round ___ glowed.
  16. 26. We giggled and laughed. We showed our ________.
  17. 27. My room has _____ space. There is plenty of room!
  18. 28. I ____ my sister by poking her.
  19. 29. The horses _____ down the muddy road.
  20. 30. Please give me some ______ wisdom.