Word work

  1. 1. a cow
  2. 3. plural of focus
  3. 6. second half of yourSELF
  4. 8. a single CHILD
  5. 10. a plural of fungi
  6. 11. plural of radius
  7. 12. single of cactuses
  8. 13. the single of fungus
  9. 14. more than one calf
  10. 15. plural of half
  11. 18. a baby cow
  12. 19. plural of self
  1. 1. plural of ox
  2. 2. a extended version of focus
  3. 3. you FOCUS on something
  4. 4. a younger version of animals
  5. 5. a type of living thing
  6. 7. plural of fungi
  7. 9. the single of cactuses
  8. 10. a animal in water an something that we eat
  9. 11. plural of radius
  10. 15. HALF of ten is five
  11. 16. the plural of cacti
  12. 17. a straight line extending from the center of a circle