- 1. A sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat; a rout
- 2. Timidity or shyness
- 5. To condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible
- 6. Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness
- 7. Given to pompous speech or writing
- 8. Without decoration; strict
- 9. Causing relaxation after an emotional outburst
- 12. Having a harmful effect
- 13. Having to do with the appreciation of beauty
- 14. Tending or intending to belittle
- 16. Jarring, discordant sound; dissonance
- 17. Dexterous; deft
- 18. Easy to notice; obvious (antonym: inconspicuous)
- 20. To scatter widely, as in sowing seed
- 23. To speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth
- 24. To sap the strength or energy of; enervate
- 25. Kind and gentle
- 26. Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likable
- 28. Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight
- 29. Known or understood by only a few
- 30. Marked by painstaking effort; hard-working
- 31. To inflict severe punishment on
- 33. Inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence; guesswork
- 35. The representation of someone as existing or something as happening in other than chronological, proper, or historical order
- 38. Independence; self-determination; self-government or the right of self-government
- 40. Open to more than one interpretation
- 41. Done secretively, especially to deceive; surreptitious
- 45. Quarrelsome
- 49. To ease a pain or a burden
- 51. The quality or state of being brief in duration
- 52. A combination of diverse elements; a mixture
- 53. Ill-tempered and quarrelsome; disagreeable
- 55. Producing or promoting a favorable result; advantageous
- 58. Having ceased to exist or live
- 59. Agreement (antonym: discord)
- 60. Of, relating to, or perceived by the ear
- 61. Intended to instruct
- 64. Sharing an edge or boundary; touching
- 65. A scarce supply; a lack
- 66. Easygoing; friendly
- 67. To discover with certainty, as through examination or experimentation
- 68. To buoy up or hearten; to support or prop up
- 1. To speak of in a slighting way or negatively; to belittle
- 2. A by-product
- 3. Something that cures; a remedy
- 4. Difficult to understand
- 9. Plentiful; having a large quantity
- 10. Characteristic of an earlier period; old-fashioned
- 11. Impulsive and unpredictable
- 12. having lost faith or loyalty; discontent
- 15. Strongly disinclined
- 18. Appeasing; soothing; pleasant
- 19. To grow and flourish; to put forth new buds, leaves, or greenery; sprout
- 20. To expose or ridicule falseness, shams, or exaggerated claims
- 21. Habitually late
- 22. Relating to or resembling a tree
- 26. Incorporated and absorbed into the mind; made similar; caused to resemble
- 27. Characterized by openness and sincerity of expression; unreservedly straightforward
- 31. Heedful of circumstances and potential consequences; prudent
- 32. Shrewd; clever
- 34. To make (something already developed or well under way) greater, as in size, extent, or quantity
- 36. So sophisticated as to be at home in all parts of the world or conversant with many spheres of interest; pertinent or common to the whole world
- 37. To draw a circle around; to restrict
- 39. Inclined or eager to fight; hostile or aggressive
- 42. To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem
- 43. To criticize severely; blame
- 44. Emotionally hardened; unfeeling
- 45. Something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection
- 46. Cheerful willingness; eagerness
- 47. To picture falsely; misrepresent
- 48. Drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite
- 50. Feeling or showing little emotion
- 53. Intricate; complex
- 54. Simultaneously feeling opposing feelings; a uncertain
- 56. Capable of being believed; plausible
- 57. Modest and reserved in manner or behavior
- 59. A trick; deception by trickery
- 62. To urge with gentle and repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery
- 63. To agree; to be of the same opinion
- 65. A funeral hymn or lament