
  1. 1. not angry
  2. 5. 60 minutes
  3. 6. on a head
  4. 11. not the same
  5. 12. under a rule
  6. 14. not indoors
  7. 16. we must keep well
  8. 18. not busy
  9. 19. 60 seconds
  1. 2. not easy
  2. 3. to be famous and rich
  3. 4. to search
  4. 5. two equal parts of the whole
  5. 7. we must do as our homework
  6. 8. not with
  7. 9. we must do it with our health
  8. 10. not free
  9. 13. not difficult
  10. 15. irregular verb starting iwth "f"
  11. 17. a body part