
  1. 4. small kid
  2. 6. your sister but you dont share blood
  3. 8. a website or application
  4. 10. sombody you dont know
  5. 12. usally a sibling to one of your parents
  6. 14. your father's grandfather
  7. 15. person you hate
  8. 16. your reletionship with your friend
  1. 1. your brother but you dont share the same blood
  2. 2. your best budy
  3. 3. you are in class togheter
  4. 5. you get married there
  5. 7. a good jumpscare
  6. 9. your mother's grandmother
  7. 11. usally a sibling to one of your parents
  8. 13. it is funny emotion