Words for Thought

  1. 3. intelligence that is related to words and language
  2. 7. carried away by attraction
  3. 8. intelligence that relies on sens of sight
  4. 9. intelligence that deals with reasoning, and numbers
  5. 11. the way we see our own bodies
  6. 12. offer everyone an equal chance
  7. 14. intelligence that relates to inner states of being, meditation
  8. 16. intelligence that operates through person to person relationships
  9. 18. attraction and commitment
  1. 1. caring unconditionally for others as Jesus did
  2. 2. intelligence that is related to physical movement
  3. 3. sin that harms your relationship with God
  4. 4. the son of God 'coming in the flesh'
  5. 5. "you shall not kill"
  6. 6. sin that destroys our relationship with God
  7. 8. a bad habit
  8. 10. a good habit
  9. 13. blessing
  10. 15. liking another person; friendship
  11. 17. another word used for emotions