Words from unit 2

  1. 2. When birds push the eggs out of their body and into the nest
  2. 4. To have with you when you come to a place
  3. 5. bird's home
  4. 8. the opposite of front yard
  5. 9. You say this when you have lots of work.
  6. 11. You use this to dry your body after taking a shower
  7. 12. not adult
  8. 14. A lesson. A thing you can learn from one story.
  9. 15. 100
  10. 17. A turtle have this on the back
  11. 19. to take in your hands
  1. 1. A bird can talk like human
  2. 3. You are ______ when you didn't eat anything.
  3. 6. to give some of your things to other people
  4. 7. Your favorite sport or activity like soccer
  5. 8. You use this instrument to see distant objects
  6. 10. when you go in water, you can not walk, you _____
  7. 13. an animal living in ocean that is very slow on the land
  8. 16. baby birds do this when they come out of the eggs.
  9. 18. not soft