Words from unit 3

  1. 4. After summer comes winter, after winter comes ...
  2. 6. The thing you wear around your neck when it's cold is called a ...
  3. 7. A 100-year period of time is called a ...
  4. 9. Something that's not very interesting is...
  5. 11. A list of questions is called a...
  6. 13. What's called 'biologisch' in Dutch is not 'biological', but ...
  7. 15. The day before Thursday is called...
  8. 17. Someone between thirteen and nineteen years old is called a ...
  1. 1. The British say 'pudding', the Americans say ...
  2. 2. Cucumbers, carrots and onions are all a ...
  3. 3. The day that happened before today is called ...
  4. 5. The biggest meal you eat in a restaurant is the ... course
  5. 6. A tiny red fruit, with its seeds on the outside, is called a ...
  6. 8. .. is a hobby that involves taking pictures of things you like.
  7. 10. 12 a.m. is also called ...
  8. 12. The plural (= meervoud) of 'tooth' is ...
  9. 14. The month after July is called ...
  10. 16. The round things chickens lay are called ...