Words Their way-Chapter 6

  1. 2. Word _______ are used as a connection between vocabulary and literature. Students can look through what they have recently read to search for vocabulary words.
  2. 6. Teachers should have unit tests, also known as spell _________ every 3-6 weeks to monitor progress and and fine-tune instructional pacing.
  3. 8. Much of the word study during the within word pattern stage is characterized by the study of _______ patterns.
  4. 9. Students who can spell the vowels with the CVCe pattern correctly but still make errors on the less common long vowel patterns, r-influenced vowels, and ambiguous vowels are in the _________ within word pattern stage.
  5. 10. When using word sorts, it is important to choose sorts that match students’ _________ and represent what they use but confuse.
  6. 11. These involve students sorting words by sound as a partner reads them aloud and are highly recommended at this stage.
  7. 13. In this stage, it is recommended to give _________ spelling tests to monitor progress and make students accountable for their learning.
  8. 15. Students in the within word pattern stage are moving from the full alphabetic phase to the ________.
  9. 19. A word study ________ is used to organize and document student work for assessment and grading.
  10. 20. A strategy when working with English Language Learners is to ________ them with native English speakers.
  11. 23. When working with English Language Learners, students should _________ words in their word study notebooks.
  1. 1. ______________ is when the presence of an r following a vowel robs the sound from the vowel before it.
  2. 2. Many _____________ words do not follow common patterns but can be included in within word pattern sorts as oddballs. For example, the word said does not follow the pattern of paid, faint, wait, etc.
  3. 3. Most word sorts follow this format: Demonstrate the sort, sort and check, ______, extend.
  4. 4. When students are appropriately placed they should ________ 90-100 percent on weekly spelling tests.
  5. 5. Students at this stage explore the _______ layer of English spelling.
  6. 7. Students in the within word pattern stage can examine words that end in –ck, -tch, -dge, -ke, -ch, and –ge and notice that –ck, -tch, and –dge patterns are associated with short vowel sounds while –ke, -ch, and –ge patterns are associated with long vowel sounds. These are known as __________.
  7. 12. During weekly spelling tests, it is recommended to use _______ writing sorts, to have students sort the words as they write.
  8. 14. Students in this stage are typically found mostly in second, third, and early ______ grade classrooms.
  9. 16. Students in the early part of the within word pattern stage who still have problems distinguishing between spoken short and long vowel sounds benefit from ________.
  10. 17. An example of a ________ is head/head.
  11. 18. When talking about vocabulary we are referring to _______.
  12. 21. How sounds are spelled may depend on their _______ within a word.
  13. 22. One reason it is challenging for students to learn vowel sounds after learning the short sounds of the vowel is because there are more vowel sounds than _______ to represent them.