Words to Know

  1. 4. courageous and bold
  2. 5. is the usual way it has always been done
  3. 8. the tools needed for a job
  4. 10. to react
  5. 11. he or she is filled with great fear, horror, or dislike
  6. 12. to join with others or take part in something
  7. 13. sudden misfortunes
  8. 15. stopping something from happening
  9. 18. harmful materials that make something dirty
  10. 20. causing harm or hurt
  11. 22. to take the place of
  12. 23. he or she is not paying attention
  1. 1. the position of being a citizen of a country with all the rights, duties, and privileges that come with it
  2. 2. it goes on without stopping
  3. 3. to stop a moment when being unsure
  4. 6. can be made again
  5. 7. where things come from
  6. 9. the state of being unfair or unjust
  7. 14. happens for no apparent reason and is unexpected.
  8. 15. to make or create something
  9. 16. means to have suggested someone or something to others for their consideration
  10. 17. the reason something is done
  11. 19. found in nature; not made by people
  12. 21. the ability to do work