words unit 3, lesson 3, only page 22

  1. 3. To put on … (Gewicht) means to get heavier.
  2. 4. To look at something again before a test and learn it is to do ….
  3. 6. English verb for (lösen).
  4. 8. English word for (Stimmung)
  5. 11. English word for (Situation)
  6. 12. the opposite of impossible
  7. 14. English word for (Noten) in school
  8. 15. English adverb for (freundlich)
  1. 1. "She was so worried when he didn't come home that she started to …."
  2. 2. English adjective for (gestresst sein).
  3. 5. the opposite of possible
  4. 7. "You shouidn't believe Pat, she's always telling … (Lügen)."
  5. 9. "The music is very loud - you ought to turn it …."
  6. 10. English adverb for (schnell)
  7. 13. English adjective for (vernünftig)