Words with "App"

  1. 4. A request for aid or support
  2. 8. Museum of Art in Ocala, FL
  3. 9. Something appealing or tempting
  4. 10. Decorative paper on a present
  5. 11. To not be easily upset or confused
  6. 12. To be nearly exact
  7. 14. A blue-colored gem
  1. 1. Delighted or pleased
  2. 2. A person who works for another to learn a trade
  3. 3. A person who is insignificant and pretentious
  4. 5. Hand slap to show approval.
  5. 6. A spike-covered fruit with green leaves at the top
  6. 7. To take place or to come to pass by chance
  7. 13. To put to use
  8. 14. To discard as useless