
  1. 2. someone who fill up the shelves in a shop
  2. 5. someone that brings the food
  3. 6. someone who is teaching
  4. 8. mostly in a factory they have three differend times to work
  5. 10. a person who does a particular job to earn money
  6. 12. a new business
  7. 14. when you work in th night
  8. 15. a worker get a
  9. 16. a person that employs people
  10. 18. work a full number of hours considered normal or standard
  1. 1. someone who works with wood
  2. 3. someone who repair your drain
  3. 4. the person with the highest position in a hotel
  4. 7. work more than the number of hours
  5. 9. a person who is practising th skill in a job
  6. 11. someone who is paid to work for someone
  7. 12. a employee get a
  8. 13. where produkts where produced
  9. 17. the person who drives the airplane