
  1. 2. when many people come to your work to get items you get ___
  2. 4. this is important when your in a rush and you need to get things done
  3. 5. projects that you like to do everyday
  4. 10. little jobs needing to be done
  5. 13. a good mind set and better attitude makes you more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  6. 14. jumping in to help when needed
  7. 15. completing or accomplishing something
  8. 17. the _____ makes the dreamwork
  9. 18. you should be this to customer's and other workers
  10. 19. groups of people who work together to compete task faster
  11. 20. you need this to get through your day and to succeed
  1. 1. able to do most everything with proper dedicate and no mistakes
  2. 3. helping others and giving caring advice
  3. 6. going to work for someone that owns a company
  4. 7. when you can be nerve free and not worry about your tasks and where your at
  5. 8. a good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ gets you further and more people will like you and give it back
  6. 9. when your lazy, non trusting, inappropriate and making bad work vibes
  7. 11. when to much happens and theirs not many people to help you get
  8. 12. able to be yourself and talk to people like your friends
  9. 16. working with other team members to get things done