
  1. 5. unemployed
  2. 6. finish something easily and quickly
  3. 8. being prepared, planned or done
  4. 10. it’s good enough for me, it’s OK
  5. 13. to function very well
  6. 15. cause problems for AB’s plans
  7. 16. it’s usual
  8. 17. hard work that involves a lot of walking
  9. 18. people who do nothing, sometimes do stupid things
  1. 1. one can’t work all the time, we should take time to have fun
  2. 2. dishonest work, uninteresting work
  3. 3. be addicted to work
  4. 4. manufacturing place
  5. 7. work very hard
  6. 9. a remarkable person, achievement or product
  7. 11. when people work as a team
  8. 12. harsh or cruel treatment
  9. 14. work very hard, do all it takes