  1. 2. Someone who makes food for a living.
  2. 6. Someone who does magic tricks.
  3. 7. A person who fights fire.
  4. 11. A person in charge.
  5. 13. A person who plays a character in a film.
  6. 14. A person who designs buildings for a living.
  7. 15. Naturally gifted.
  8. 16. A person who can help you if you have legal trouble.
  9. 18. A person who does operations for a living.
  1. 1. Someone who can fix your car.
  2. 3. Someone who cuts and styles your hair.
  3. 4. A person who spends a lot of time on the sea.
  4. 5. Someone who sings for a living.
  5. 7. Many things are made in this building like dolls.
  6. 8. agency You can come here if you want to go to a different country.
  7. 9. Someone who catches criminals.
  8. 10. A person who delivers letters.
  9. 12. You can buy bread there.
  10. 17. A doctor for animals.