
  1. 4. someone who makes new things or invents things
  2. 5. someone who cares for people in a hospital and is not a doctor
  3. 6. someone who brings you food in a restaurant
  4. 9. a person who takes pictures
  5. 12. where planes land and take off from
  6. 14. fixes cars planes boats etc.
  7. 15. someone who goes to outer space in a rocket ship
  8. 16. a place with computers desks managers secretaries etc. where people work
  1. 1. someone who plans and designs things
  2. 2. a place that sells things or does things for you for money
  3. 3. where businessmen and women meet to talk about important things
  4. 7. a thing you do to make money
  5. 8. someone who makes art or music
  6. 10. someone who pretends to be someone else as a job
  7. 11. someone who reports on TV or writes in newspapers
  8. 13. a big noisy car that takes you to a hospital