
  1. 4. All my _____________ at the office are friendly.
  2. 6. I have no ______________ of changing my plans for tonight.
  3. 8. People in the medical_____________ work long hours.
  4. 10. All ______________ are expected to be at work by 8.30. Our employer insists on it.
  5. 11. It's a nurse's ___________ to make the patients feel comfortable.
  6. 12. John _______________ in convincing his boss to give him the day off.
  1. 1. Despite his health problems, Joe fulfilled his ____________ to play in the local football team.
  2. 2. The Johnstons are ________________ financial difficulties after Mrs Johnston lost her job.
  3. 3. Their first album was a great _______________ success and sold 2 million copies worldwide.
  4. 5. ______________ agencies help people find work in their field.
  5. 7. The maths problem was a ______________ and took me an hour to solve.
  6. 9. After university I hope to get a ______ as a lawyer.