
  1. 1. class lever a lever where the fulcrum is in the middle of the input and output
  2. 4. force x distance
  3. 5. the rate at which work is done
  4. 8. there are two different formulas for___________
  5. 10. unit for distance
  6. 11. what kind of inclined plane can you see at a park
  7. 13. plane wedge is a part of what simple machine family
  8. 15. how many kinds of simple machine are there
  9. 17. unit for work
  10. 18. how many simple machine families are there
  1. 2. when the fulcrum is all the way on the side, input in the middle, and output on the opposite side of the fulcrum
  2. 3. work / distance =
  3. 4. type of force
  4. 6. WORK IS _______
  5. 7. unit for power
  6. 9. how many different classes of levers are there
  7. 10. helps us do work by redistributing the work
  8. 12. for mechanical advantage there are no ______
  9. 14. work/force
  10. 16. a flag pole is an example of a _______