
  1. 4. A summary of a person's education, work experience, skills, and achievements, commonly used in job applications.
  2. 8. Advancement to a higher position or rank within an organization.
  3. 9. Skills, knowledge, or credentials that make someone suitable for a particular job or task.
  4. 10. To employ someone for a job or position.
  5. 12. An unoccupied position or job opening within a company or organization.
  6. 13. Working independently on a temporary basis for multiple clients or projects.
  7. 14. The act of leaving one's job or ceasing to work, typically after reaching a certain age.
  1. 1. A person or organization that employs people.
  2. 2. Involving or working less than the standard number of hours per week. In colombia this would be around 24 hours or less
  3. 3. Involving or working for the standard number of hours per week. In Colombia the standard is set at 48 hours per week.
  4. 5. Voluntarily leaving a job or position.
  5. 6. Without a job and actively seeking employment.
  6. 7. The lowest legally allowed money that can be paid to an employee for their work.
  7. 11. To terminate someone's employment; to dismiss an employee from a job.