
  1. 3. a fixed regular payment made by an employer, often monthly, for professional or office work as opposed to manual work
  2. 5. to be ... - to lose your job
  3. 7. payment in return for work or services, especially made to workmen on a daily, hourly or weekly basis
  4. 10. carefully considering things
  5. 11. good or quick at noticing things
  6. 14. to employ someone
  7. 16. not taking or showing enough care and attention
  8. 17. to leave your job or stop working because of old age
  9. 18. a job or position which has not been filled
  10. 20. to be on ... - an employee who is on-call isn't working, but they are available in case they need to
  11. 21. not easily satisfied or pleased; worried or careful about unimportant details
  1. 1. to be made ... - no longer employed because there is no more work available
  2. 2. a written record of your education and jobs
  3. 3. to work ... - to do a job for a period of time during the day or night
  4. 4. having finished a training course, or having particular skills
  5. 6. a person or organization that employs people
  6. 8. someone who is paid to work for someone else
  7. 9. a job, a rank or level in a company
  8. 12. able to be obtained, used, or reached
  9. 13. to leave your job
  10. 15. deserving trust, dependable
  11. 19. to ... for a job - to make a formal written request for a job