
  1. 2. A person or organization using the services of a professional or company.
  2. 3. An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time.
  3. 6. Make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods or ideas.
  4. 9. The action of raising someone to a higher position or rank.
  5. 10. A planned set of tasks with specific goals and timelines.
  1. 1. A specific time or date by which a task must be completed.
  2. 4. The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient.
  3. 5. A gathering of people, usually colleagues, to discuss various topics.
  4. 7. A person responsible for controlling or administering a group or organization.
  5. 8. A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.