
  1. 1. you must always verify what?
  2. 4. always make sure you read ____ before setting up a payment plan
  3. 7. the account is placed in error, how do I disposition?
  4. 10. if its a bad time we can offer to send ____?
  5. 12. the easiest way to update insurance is?
  1. 2. if an office calls we give them the number for ____ support?
  2. 3. you can pay _____ of charge by phone
  3. 5. if a patient wants to speak with a supervisor who do we transfer to?
  4. 6. at the end of every call we must offer?
  5. 8. what form of payment do offices take that we can not?
  6. 9. we do not remove this practice from final review.
  7. 11. where do you search accounts?